Welcome to June my friends. It is HOT! I mean 95+ every day and it's only going to get worse. I have to go to girls camp in a week (June 16) it's going to be soo hot. 95 and no AC. Lets just say it's going to be a struggle to remain upbeat in this heat.
Today we helped out a kid in our ward on his eagle project. It was so disorganized and everyone was just standing around. It took all my strength and stamina to not step and take over for the poor kid and by the end of it all I was so frustrated because it was so disorganized. (by the way, he was also just standing around while the others built his picnic table....wait, he did put in the VERY LAST SCREW!!!) Thanks mom for the training in organizing and such because my kids' eagle scout project will be organized.... That is when we have kids and then 18 years after that.... So we talking 20 years down the road when it happens, I'll be ready!
Oh, that's a picture of our AWESOME sand castle that we built. I know it's probably the best one you've ever seen.... What can I say? In Tampa, everyone knows how to build sand castles.