Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The End is Near

Now I don't mean the end of all space and time, that would be silly. No one knows when that will happen. But the end of school is near. That means I have to pack up my life again and pack just enough to go home and leave the rest in storage. Do you know how many shoes I don't get to wear during the summer because of this trend? Well, only nine weeks and then back to my beloved shoes, and my boyfriend. So, I guess I can't complain too too much. But the end of learning, and wearing beautiful shoes and seeing my man is coming. I mean what am I to do with only ten pairs of shoes for the next 9 weeks? I don't know how I'm going to manage. Thank goodness for little sisters and their shoe supply. I have the even more evil task of trying to pack for GA, for a job, for fun and for a honeymoon. And, I have to try to fit it all in one bag. Yeah right! I'm kindof starting to freak out a little bit. I mean how can anyone expect me to pack only one suitcase? Jeez!

So Seymore and I decided that when her boyfriend asks her to marry her, which should be any day now, I have to go with her to help her find a dress. Yeah right. Like I want to go and hoist those 2 ton dresses up and plop them over her head while she searches for the light at the end of the tunnel. But, for her I will do it. I will work out so I can lift them up. I will search through endless piles of dresses to help her find the right one. I will do it!!! What would she do without me.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wedding Dresses

So, I went wedding dress shopping today...and what a nightmare. I mean, yes it's fun to get all pretty and try on dresses, but when I begin to feel like I am wading through a desert of nonending dresses, for five hours, without sustainance or water, dress on, dress off, never ending. I mean I love it, but when each dress adds at least 150 pounds it starts to wear on you. First you put on this beautiful dress, which weighs at least 200 pounds, and then they tell you to stand on the block that is like four or five feet in the air, and I'm all, what? I can barely hold up my back and now you want me to step on that? Geez! And then everyone stares at you for like 20 min, and then are all, you look beautiful in that dress but, its just not for you. And then back into the small room where I have to pull the 2 ton dress over my head and try on another one. Fun, but tiring. And, I get do it tomorrow too. I can't wait. But if that is what I need to do for the perfect dress, on the perfect an most wonderful day of my life, then it is worth it. I mean beauty is pain right! What we women have to go through, you don't even know what we go through to make you happy. But it's worth it in the end, we are both happy! So far all of you women who are planning to get married, good luck! And set yourself up for a deep tissure message after you try on those dresses.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Good Days, bad days

So last week, my life-intolerent week turned out great! Irish finally asked me to marry him. It was really cute cause I was in the middle of a sentence about something dumb that had happened to me that day when he was all "Marry me" Of course I said yes, but it was a pretty perfect, well I think it was perfect. But I'm trying to get us married by June 10, I know, only 7 weeks, but I've been waiting long enough. My mom just feels overwhelmed. I don't think she understands that if I could have a pool party and BBQ, I would be happy. I don't think she's gonna let me get away from that. I'm from the south, so everything is big and grandiose. I mean it's the marriage ceremony that's most important right? Anyway, I'm sure that some of you out there know what I am talking about. But Irish is being a good sport. He was kindof sad that we couldn't register at Best Buy, but what can you do? He puts up with me and what I want. He's really good like that. Ok, he's perfect, but what can you do? I mean I gotta marry him if I still think he's perfect after 2 1/2 years right? That and I'm in love. Sappy I know, but I'm still on the engagement high...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


So...remember how I talked about being life intolerent? I am having one of those weeks, you know? One of those weeks were you wish you could just crawl into a deep dark dank cold lonely hole, curl up into the fetal postition and just dry up and die. I see myself drying up like a prune and then turning into dust... then I wouldn't have to worry any more...that would be great. But then I think about all the loved ones I would leave behind (I'm just a little bit dramatic...) and how sad everyone would be, or at least how sad I would like to think everyone would be...cause who knows how much they are really liked anyway? I mean think of Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol" I mean, he was appalled when he realized how hated he was. What if that many people hate me? (I mean not the calibre of course because I don't take money and I love Christmas) But I mean seriously. Do we really know how much people actually like us, or dislike us? I would like to think that in general most people like me, I think I'm a nice person, I like most everyone...but I guess I don't reallly know.
So, in my job, I work behind a desk and help people, students to be exact. And when they want help they hover. When I say "hover" I mean that they stand as close as they can to the desk until you get rid of them by giving them what they want or sending them to the professor. I mean, hello? "I'm on the phone, can you back off the desk for 30 seconds and then I'll help you." "I'm sorry a professor's busy, you'll have to wait, but do you have to pace back and forth like that while you wait?" It really REALLY bothers me. I mean I just need my space and I don't get that there. I mean I understand that it is work, but if I can smell your nasty colonge, then either you put way too much on, or you are way to close to me. Don't get me wrong, not all the students are that bad, ok, not even half of them are. But the ones who hover, you remember those ones, they are the ones who make the day unbearable.