Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ah life...

So now that I am not dealing with dumb students anymore, which I would pay to go back I am dealing with people who think they are the best things that ever walked the earth. I mean, hello Elizabeth whats you name, just because I am taking a reservation for you, for a car that is taking you somewhere, doesn't mean you can treat me like the scum of the earth, like a waste of skin, or a gross nasty zit on her face. I'm sure she doesn't have zits, she's probably waaayyy to good for zits...I'm just mad. I mean really, didn't your mom teach you anything. "Always treat people with respect" my mom said. "I don't care if they three eyes, one arm and their skin is green, you treat them how you would like to be treated." Tell you what, half the world needs to go back to kindergarten to learn the basics of life. Learn how to share, take naps, and generally be nice to everyone. What a better place the world would be if we all treated eachother like we did in kindergarten. I mean the most anyone would fight about was a stolen ball. In our young eyes, there were no different colors of skin, or impairments in human nature. We liked everyone unless they picked on us too much. And then we grew up. We were taught that the world stills sees in color, and that not all those colors are the same. We saw people as different because they were old, or couldn't walk, or had a speech impediment. In kindergarten, we liked everyone. But I do think that our generation has been better at this than the last, we are more accepting of people for who they are, and not what they look like. At least that's what I like to think. Maybe I am in my own little bubble, but I'm not naive, I know what goes on...

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