Thursday, January 25, 2007


Why is it that technology that is supposed to be helpful just never works. We have this new copier at work and I hate the dumb machine right now. I would love to just throw it out the window and laugh as it crashed onto the pavement below into thousands of plastic pieces. Why is it that we will spend more time and engery looking for the remote control than it would take to just get up and change the chanel. We are a lazy generation my friends. No more letter writing; actually, writing a letter takes too much time to write. Only emails and memos for us. I mean even journals are a thing of the past, everybody has a blog now. We can't even take the time to call someone, even though the power to lies right in our hands in the form of a very small electrical device. Nooo, we only have time to text message. I mean even research isn't even done by hand any more, it's all computerized. Everything is computerized. People walk around listening to music, very cool, but I think we are loosing touch with eachother. Human interaction is slowing becoming less and less. We get computers when we call our banks or for technical help, and if we do finally get a human being, they are someone who is half-way around the world from us. If we keep going, we'll eventually find a way to cut out human interaction completely. It scares me.

I mean, we as humans are social creatures, we need eachother. We could go our whole lives sitting right next to someone on the bus everyday and never say a word to them. That person could have been a lover, a best friend, a sister, but they remain a stranger. If we could only take time to care for eachother, or even just get to know eachother, how much could we learn and get from eachother. How much would the levels crime and hatred go down. I mean racial comments are only given because we don't know, or are afraid to get to know someone or something different. Maybe then the world wouldn't be so quick to find fault and be offended, or defensive if we would just find the time to know eachother. I mean where did the days go that something mean could be said, forgiven and then forgotten. We have learned to have grudges and then to hold onto them as if our lives depended on it. Every day we hear of some other mistake that someone has said. Just forgive and forget, and we'll all get along better. I mena no one is perfect. People make mistakes. Now a days, if we do make one small mistake, say one wrong word or phrase, it's off to therapy for us! And I think that's just a little ridiculous. You may think that I don't know what I am talking about. People have said offensive things to me. That's ok, they just don't know me. I mean why can't we all just get over ourselves and be friends, we all have something to contribute.

And, you know what, we're not going to always agree on EVERYTHING, we will never make EVERYONE happy. That's not who we are or who we were raised to be. Everyone has a different opinion, it is something we are entilted to, it's a right given to us in the constitution we are beginning to struggle to uphold. So don't be angry if someone thinks different, there's no reason to fight, just let it be. Maybe then more happiness could be found, and we would all have more friends instead of being cut off by the technology meant to make us closer.

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