Thursday, July 20, 2006


So I ate a Marie Calander's Chicken Pot Pie, which by the way are soo good, and you can put them in the microwave. (They have this cooker thingy in the top of the box that crisps up your pot pie, and it really does. I was skeptical at first, but now that I've tried them time upon time they cook up to perfection every time, just like mom's --or like they were oven cooked) Like I was saying, I ate a pot pie for lunch, but I go home for lunch and didn't have much time, because of the only having one hour deal, any way, the pot pie took 15 min to cook ( I have a sucky micorwave) and them I scarfed it down, but then I had to get back to work, Seymore was alone, and now my stomach just hurts, so the moral of the story is...By a Marie Calander's chicken pot pie, but don't eat it in 5 min flat... Or a serious nap and stomach ache will insue..It's all I can do to keep from falling asleep.

So during another boring day at work, Seymore and I entertained ourselves at which very well may be one of the best cites I've ever been too, and I don't even like chuck...Ahh...the genius of those who place their inner most thoughts on the web...What would we do without their genius. When Al Gore decides to dismantle the internet, we will miss them sorely....

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