Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I made it!

So I am now married, and for those of you that are afraid, it's not that bad. In truth, being married isn't really that different from dating, except I get to do married things (copme on guys you aren't stupid, use your imagination) and I get to live with a boy. Which is kindof weird. It's the first time in my life EVER that I don't have a female roomate...weird... Anyway we got through the I do's and the honeymoon, so we are doing ok... But lots of things have happened, I'm back in Utah and have already begun to dry up like a prune, I have turned from a young lass to a 80 year old lady in a matter of three days. Ok, I don't look bad, but that's what I feel like. But on the upside, Seymore and I get to work together again, which makes life and work much more interesting. But the well of knowledge and Ideas is running dry today folks. I have a new last name. It's eleven letters long...I went from four letters to eleven. I'm having a hard time adjusting....

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